Many people would not relate asparagus to an employee when in reality, they are a lot alike.  In fact, the vegetable, asparagus is the ideal type of employee for any organization!  There are many reasons why asparagus is so great for an organization.  Every employee should try to take on some qualities of the asparagus in their everyday work life!

Why is the asparagus the perfect employee?

Asparagus is flexible.  Flexibility is a great quality to have in many different organizations.  When something unexpected comes up a flexible employee will be able to handle the situation better than someone who is not flexible!  Also, if there is a particularly heavy load one week, a flexible employee will be willing to work the extra long hours in order to get the extra work done!

Asparagus has a good shelf life.  Asparagus does not spoil super quick.  Any organization would love an employee to stay for a while.  high turnover rates are never fun.  If employees stay for a while, it’s great for everyone!

Asparagus is green!  Green is the way to go these days!  The more employees that a company has that want to go green, the better.  Less paper will be wasted.  Less trash would be created.  The green employees would be more likely to help think of initiatives for the organization to go green!  

As you can see, asparagus is the ideal employee!  Starting today, try to be a little bit more like asparagus in your everyday work life!!

3/27/2013 02:38:10 am

AH! This is so great! I love how you related both of them to each other!


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